Engineering Design
Supply of Equipment Package
For Commercial & Industrial Environment
Trusted, Green & Quality

About Us
PT Airindo Sejahtera Konstruksi known as ASK is a proud Indonesian Company that was founded in 2021 by dedicated professionals with more than 10 years of valuable experiences in their respectful fields such as Engineering, Inspection, Construction, and Project Management.

To be recognized as a leading construction company in Indonesia as well as in International scope which is reliable and quality focus in a way to provide best benefits to our shareholders and customers.
Brings positive impact on changes by providing shareholders and customers with values that delivered through ASK expertise in Engineering, Construction, Inspection, and Project Management serving for Indonesian society, and generally, for the world community. We believe economic goodness can be achieved while maintaining the environment as a legacy that benefits the lives of many people.
Integrity and Accountability
Focus on Safety and Environmental Sustainability
Creative to Achieve Accuracy
Customer and Service Orientation

We provide construction services (our core business) for residential and industrial building supported by our affiliated partner and experienced manpower.

Engineering Design
We provide engineering services for Engineering Design, Civil & Structural Construction, Mechanical & Piping and Water Treatment.

Supply Equipment Package
We provide operational supporting package such as Water Desalination Package (Airintech), Tank, Vessel, Structural Module and Process Package.
Legal Standings

Akte Pendirian
Nomor : 02 / 05 Mei 2021 / Notaris : Zeni Yulhendri, S.H., M.Kn
Perubahan Nomor : 45 / 24 Juni 2021 / Yayu Sri Rahayu, S.H., M.Kn
Pengesahan Departemen Kehakiman
AHU-0031701.AH.01.01.Tahun 2021
Rev – AHU-0036703.AH.01.02.Tahun 2021
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)
Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP)
KECIL – 1245000512636 21 Juli 2021
Sertifikat Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (SBUJK)
Bangunan Gedung
BG001 : Jasa Pelaksana Konstruksi Bangunan Hunian dan Kopel
BG008 : Jasa Pelaksana Konstruksi Bangunan Gudang dan Industri
Bangunan Sipil
SI002 : Jasa Pelaksana Konstruksi Instalasi Pengolahan Air Minum dan Air Limbah
SI008 : Jasa Pelaksana Konstruksi Perpipaan Air Minum Lokal
Projects Highlight

PT Mitramulti Hijau Abadi o.b.o PT Bureau Veritas Indonesia
April 2022, Surabaya
Remaining life assessment of QCC crane 35-ton SWL life expectancy checking and necessity measurement to purchase the new crane.

PT Kalbe Farma
February 2022, Jakarta
Engineering assessment for solar panel installation at the top of the Dankos Cepha building to support sustainability and clean energy.

PT Vtech Mulia o.b.o PT Rekayasa Engineering and PT Freeport Indonesia
October 2021, Papua
Sturdiness bridge assessment to support the 133-ton equipment displacement plan.

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